Retrieve Braineet projects in JSON

This article outlines a solution to efficiently and automatically bring information from your Braineet portfolio into any source using JSON.

If you want to visualize projects in Power BI or Excel, you can go to:

Visualizing Braineet projects in Microsoft Power BI & Power Query

To retrieve data from Braineet, you can utilize the Data URL endpoint and choose Basic authentication.

Basic authentication is a simple authentication scheme built into the HTTP protocol. The client sends HTTP requests with the Authorization  header that contains the word Basic  word followed by a space and a base64-encoded string email:apikey . For example, to authorize as [email protected] / APIKEYCODE123  the client would send

Authorization: Basic cGllcnJlLmdvdXJsYW91ZW5AYnJhaW5lZXQuY29tOkFQSUtFWUNPREUxMjM=

Note: Because base64 is easily decoded, Basic authentication should only be used together with other security mechanisms such as HTTPS/SSL.

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