Shared processes in different Portfolios

If you want to ensure consistency in your work processes across different portfolios, one potential solution is to add a shared process. By doing so, you can streamline your workflow and simplify the management of multiple portfolios. Additionally, a shared process can help to reduce the risk of errors or inconsistencies that may arise from using different processes for different portfolios. Furthermore, implementing a shared process can facilitate collaboration among team members who may be working on different portfolios, as they will be able to follow a common set of procedures for each step.

💡 If you do not want other portfolios to be able to edit your process, you can use the template feature to provide your process as a foundation for new processes.

How to add a shared process to the library?

To add a process in the shared library, go to the process builder by clicking on the process card. Then, click on the icon button located at the top-right of the builder.

From the modal, you will be able to add a process to the library.

A process added to the library is usable by other portfolios, they can edit the process like you and save modifications on it.

How to remove a shared process from the library?

To stop sharing a process, simply uncheck the "Add this process to the library" option. Once this is done, portfolios will no longer be able to use or edit it.

However, the process will still be used in any projects that are currently using it.

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