Creating a new portfolio

In this documentation, we assume that you already know the basics of a portfolio. If not, please check out the "Portfolio Overview" documentation.

You can easily create a new empty Braineet portfolio and add projects and data as you go.

💡 You need to have the platform level permission “create a portfolio” to be able to create a portfolio.

Start by clicking the "Create a portfolio".

You will have now a modal to fill informations.

  • Title: Name of your portfolio.
  • Portfolio color: Usefull to identify quickly portfolios on the platform
  • The configuration:
    • Simplified configuration.
    • Filtered configuration.

By clicking on the “Create”, you will now be able to create project, import data from Excel, etc..

Simplified configuration VS filtered configuration

The simplified configuration will contain ONLY the projects created or imported directly from the Create & Import functionnalities of your portfolio:

Simplified configuration, is the most common way to create a portfolio.

The filtered configuration may be useful for larger organization have multiple portfolios with the same projects assigned to different portfolios managers following different criterias.

Organizations may have multiple portfolios representing different strategic focus areas, such as technology, marketing, or regional expansion. Projects with multidimensional requirements that cut across these areas might necessitate being assigned to multiple portfolios to ensure comprehensive support and successful execution.

In this situation, you may used a filtered configuration to dispatch projects in different dynamical criteria based on the custom field.

📌 You can now add members on portfolio that will work with you on the portfolio. Check out the documentation about Permissions.


  • If I choose to create one or multiple projects, do I need to define my filters first?

    No, you can edit at any time the filters of your filtered portfolio. By default a filtered portfolio without any filter will contain all the projects of the platform.

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