Embed view
The embed view allows you to view content from other websites directly within your portfolio without having to navigate away. This feature is ideal for watching videos and livestreams, displaying data visualizations from other services, referencing useful web pages, or even sharing a Spotify playlist with your team members.
Creating a embed view
To embed a URL, create a view by following the steps in View Basics. Then, select the "embed view" option and provide the desired URL.
📌 The URL must be accessible within your platform. You may need to approve the domain in order to allow it to be embedded.
Using this feature, you can embed a Power BI report in real time directly in the platform. You can find more information on how to import Braineet project on Power BI on the documentation:
Visualizing Braineet projects in Microsoft Power BI & Power Query
If you don’t use Power BI, it’s also possible to retrieve Braineet project in JSON: