Summary Tab

What is the Summary tab?

The summary tab is the single page that provides global information about the project. If you have the necessary permissions, you can edit each field on the page by clicking on the edit icon.

The important thing to understand is that a summary is just a different way of looking at the same underlying data! This means that if you edit the data in a project while in one view, it will change that data for all views, since all views are looking at the same project and fields.

📢 If you don’t know how to configure your Summary tab, checkout the documentation: Project Summary Template

Project summary included in multiple portfolios.

Every time a project is assigned to a portfolio, the Project Summary Template will be displayed if it’s not empty. If the project is included in multiple portfolios, you may have multiple summary pages with a dropdown menu to select the associated portfolio.

To switch between different summaries, select the portfolio name located at the top right of the tab.

Export as PDF a project summary

To export as PDF a project summary template, you can directly click on the export button at the top right of the tab.

If you want to export summaries of multiple projects, you can refer to the documentation on bulk actions.

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