Project Summary Template Overview

What is a Project Summary Template?

A Project Summary Template is where you define a one-page summary of your project for your portfolio and the data you want to collect when creating the project.

The important thing to understand is that a summary is just a different way of looking at the same underlying data! This means that if you edit the data in a project while in one view, it will change that data for all views, since all views are looking at the same project and fields.

This form will be displayed on each Summary tab for the projects in your portfolio.

Creating the Project Summary Template

To define the Project Summary Template, you can go on your Portfolio and then you will have directly the customizable forms.

After adding the different sections, fields, descriptions, and files, you need to save them to make them available.

📢 If you don’t know how to configure a Braineet form on a Project Summary Template, checkout the documentation: Forms

Removing the Project Summary Template

To remove your project summary template, you need to delete each section of your forms and then save the modifications to your template.

Adding a form at project creation

To collect data using fields during project creation, activate the section you wish to display by clicking the section menu ..., then toggle "Visible at project creation" from the dropdown menu that appears.

Define a Summary Template for Sub-Projects

By default, the summary template for projects will also be applied to sub-projects if the sub-projects' summary is empty.

To define a summary template for sub-projects, you need to configure it by clicking on the "Sub-Project" tab button and then defining the form on it.

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