Aggregations for Fields and Sub-Projects

In Braineet Workflow, you can set aggregations for fields to streamline how data is rolled up from sub-projects to parent projects. This feature helps ensure that data is consistent and easily managed across different levels of your project hierarchy.

Aggregations for Fields of Type Number

You can configure aggregations for fields of type number to automatically calculate sums or averages based on sub-project data.

  1. You must edit the configuration of a field and activate the Aggregation Mode:

  2. For fields of type number, choose the aggregation method from the options provided:
  • None: No aggregation is applied, and the field remains editable at the project level.
  • Sum: The values from sub-projects are summed, and the field becomes read-only at the parent project level.
  • Average: The average of the values from sub-projects is calculated, and the field becomes read-only at the parent project level.

⚠️ When selecting "Sum" or "Average," the field on the parent project is automatically calculated based on sub-project values. As a result, the field becomes read-only at the parent project level and can only be edited within sub-projects.

Setting Aggregations for Fields of Type Single Choice or Multiple Choice

Fields of type single choice or multiple choice can also have aggregations applied to them to concatenate values from sub-projects.

To Set Aggregations for Fields of Type Single Choice or Multiple Choice:

  1. You must edit the configuration of a field and activate the Aggregation Mode:

    For fields of type single choice or multiple choice, select the aggregation method from the options:

    • None: No aggregation is applied, and the field remains editable at the project level.
    • Concat: The selected values from sub-projects are concatenated, and the field becomes read-only at the parent project level.

⚠️ When "Concat" is chosen, the field on the parent project displays a concatenated string of all selected values from sub-projects. The parent project field becomes read-only, with editing only available in sub-projects.

⚠️ If you change the aggregation method, there may be data changes or loss due to the new aggregation method.

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