Formula field reference
Formulas may involve functions, numeric operations, logical operations, and text operations that operate on fields.
The format is similar to the formula on a spreadsheet, so we advise you to search online for instructions and to use the same formula.
In a formula, you can reference fields (columns) by name. To return the value of an existing field you can simply input the name of that field:
So for example, if you wanted a formula that calculated a Used Budget based on your Budget and Remaining Budget fields, that would look something like:
Budget - Remaining Budget
Formulas may include parentheses () to change the order of operations:
(Budget - Remaing Budget) / Budget
An expression is created when you combine values, fields, or formulas together and that combination evaluates to a single value. You can create simple expressions, like in the below example (the formula below would return a single value—so it's an expression):
Budget - Remaining Budget
You can also chain expressions together, this is especially helpful when using logical operators. For example, the technical pattern for the IF() formula is IF(expression, value1, value2). Taking our above example a step further, let's say we want to know when the Budget consumed of our item is over 100,000€:
IF(Budget - Remaining Budget > 100000; "This is over 100k€"; "This is less than 100k€")
Text operators and functions
To see the below text functions in action, and test them out yourself.
Text operators
Operator | Description | Examples |
& | Concatenate text values into a single text value. Equivalent to CONCAT(). | Project Title & “ Test” ⇒ Project Title Test |
Operator | Description | Examples |
ABS | Return absolute value | ABS(value) |
AND | Return true if all arguments are true | AND(logical1, [logical2, ...]) |
ARRAYCONTAINS | Returns true if the array contains all values, otherwise returns false. | ARRAYCONTAINS(array; [...value]) ARRAYCONTAINS(Program; "Incubator") → true |
ARRAYELEMENT | Return the element at the index of the array. | ARRAYELEMENT(array; index) ARRAYELEMENT(Program; 1) → Incubator |
AVERAGE | Returns the (arithmetic) average of a set containing any value. | AVERAGE(number1, [number2, ...]) |
CEILING | Returns the nearest integer multiple of significance (1 if not provided) that is greater than or equal to value | CEILING(value) |
CONCAT | Concatenate all arguments | CONCAT(value; [value2...]) |
CONTAINS | Returns true if argument 1 contains argument 2 | CONTAINS(value; value2) |
COUNT | Returns the number of values in the array. | COUNT(value1; [value2, ....]) COUNT(Program) → 5 |
DATE | Returns a date | DATE(year; month; day) DATE(2023; 05; 15) → 05/15/2023 |
DATEDIF | Calculates the number of days, months, or years between two dates. | DATEDIF(start_date; end_date, unit) DATEDIF(Creation date; Last project update; "D") → 10 |
EDATE | Returns a date before or after another date a specified number of months | EDATE(start_date; months) |
EOMONTH | Returns a date representing the last day of a month which falls a specified number of months before or after another date. | EOMONTH(start_date; months) |
EVEN | Rounds a number up to the nearest even integer. | EVEN(value) |
FLOOR | Rounds a number down to the nearest integer. | FLOOR(value) |
IF | Returns value1 if the logical argument is true, otherwise it returns value2 | IF(Sales > 50;"Win"; "Lose") IF(logical_expression; value_if_true; value_if_false) |
LEN | Returns the length of a string. | LEN(text) |
LOWER | Converts a specified string to lowercase. | LOWER(text) |
MAX | Return max in number list. | MAX(value1; [value2, ...]) |
MEDIAN | Return median in number list. | MEDIAN(value1, [value2, ...]) |
MIN | Return min in number list. | MIN(value1, [value2, ...]) |
MOD | Returns the result of the modulo operator, the remainder after a division operation. | MOD(dividend, divisor) |
MONTH | Returns the month of the year a specific date falls in, in numeric format. | MONTH(date) |
NETWORKDAYS | Returns the number of net working days between two provided days. | NETWORKDAYS(start_date; end_date) NETWORKDAYS(Creation date; Last project update) → 32 |
NOT | Return inverse of result | NOT(4 <> 4) → true NOT(logical_expression) |
ODD | Rounds a number up to the nearest odd integer. | ODD(value) |
OR | Return true if at least one argument is true. | OR(true; false) → true OR(logical_expression1; [logical_expression2, ...]) |
POWER | Returns a number raised to a power. | POWER(base, exponent) |
REPLACE | Replaces part of a text string with a different text string. | REPLACE(text; stringToReplace; newString) |
ROUND | Round a given number. | ROUND(value) |
SQRT | Returns the positive square root of a positive number. | SQRT(value) |
TRIM | Removes leading, trailing, and repeated spaces in text. | TRIM(text) |
TRUNC | Truncates a number to a certain number of significant digits by omitting less significant digits. | TRUNC(value; [places]) |
UPPER | Converts a specified string to uppercase. | UPPER(text) |
WEEKDAY | Returns a number representing the day of the week of the date provided. | WEEKDAY(date) |
WEEKNUM | Returns a number representing the week of the year where the provided date falls. | WEEKNUM(date) |
WORKDAY | Calculates the end date after a specified number of working days. | WORKDAY(Creation date; 2) → 18/06/2023 WORKDAY(start_date; num_days) |
XOR | Return true if only one argument is true. | XOR(logical_expression1; [logical_expression2, ...]) |
YEAR | Returns the year specified by a given date. | YEAR(date) |
Numeric operators
Operator | Description | Examples |
+ | Add together two numeric values | Budget + 200 |
- | Subtract two numeric values | Budget - 200 |
* | Multiply two numeric values | Budget * 2 |
/ | Divide two numeric values | Budget / 2 |
Logical operators
Operator | Description | Examples |
> | Greater than | 3 > 2 => TRUE |
< | Less than | 2 < 3 => TRUE |
>= | Greater than or equal to | 3 >= 3 => TRUE |
<= | Less than or equal to | 2 <= 2 => TRUE |
= | Equal to | 2 = 2=> TRUE |
<> | Is not equal to | 3 <> 2 => TRUE |