Formula field in Braineet

Formulas can be very helpful in adding sophistication to your Braineet portfolios.

You can create a new formula field by Adding a field with the "Formula" type.


Formulas allow you to output numbers, dates, strings, and more in each record based on static or dynamic information from other custom field in that same project. For example, if you have a portfolio of projects, you can create a field that computes the Adjusted ROI for each project based on the Step and Estimated ROI.

To configure a formula, select the Formula type from the field configuration menu. From there, you can enter the formula into the text box as you would in a spreadsheet, except you use the names of fields instead of cell ranges. A formula can be composed of functions (e.g. SUM, CONCATENATE), operators (e.g. +, -, *, /, &), and other fields from the same portfolio.

When you start entering your formula, you will see suggestions of fields and functions you can use in the formula.

If your formula will result in a numerical, a text, or a date output, you have the option of formatting the formula's result as a decimal, an integer, a currency, a percent, a text, or a date. Additionally, for decimals, currencies, and percentages, you can adjust the precision.

💡 For a complete reference of formula functions and operators, please refer to the Formula Field Reference.

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