Braineet Field actions

Field - A field contains details or metadata for each project in a portfolio. Fields come in a variety of types, storing data in the form of text, single- or multi-selects, images, checkboxes, numbers, user tags, and more.

Field type - A field type specifies the kind or format of data stored in a given field.

Adding a field

đź’ˇ You can also create a field directly from the Import, from the Process builder, or from the Project Summary Template.

To add a field to a new portfolio or an existing one:

  1. Visit your Braineet platform
  2. Click Create a new portfolio or open an existing portfolio.

  3. Once inside a portfolio, click the + icon to the right of your desired view.

  4. Select a field type and click Create field.

Delete a field from the portfolio

You can click on a custom field from a column, fields button, from the Project Summary Template, or the process to open the modal to edit the configuration of a custom field.

Then you will have a delete button :

You can also directly click on the column, and click on the delete button :

Hiding and unhiding fields

Hiding fields in Braineet allows users and collaborators to focus on the information that’s most important to their work. When a field is hidden, it is not deleted and none of the values in that field are affected—it's only hidden from the particular view being used.

To hide a field you can click on the column and click on the Hide from view button :

You can also toggle or untoggle the field from the Field button:

Share a field across differents portfolios

You can now decide if you want to keep custom field private or if you want to let other portfolio managers use it.

A field that is added to the library will be usable by other portfolios. They can find it under the “Use field from the library” button:

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