Process as Template in Braineet
The process template feature is a great tool that allows you to use an existing process as a foundation to create new processes tailored to your specific needs. By using this feature, you can not only save time and effort that would have been spent building a process from scratch, but you can also benefit from the experience and expertise that went into the creation of the original process template.
💡 If you want to let other portfolios be able to collaborate on the same process, we advice you to use the shared processes feature.
How to add a process as template?
To add a process as template, go to the process builder by clicking on the process card. Then, click on the icon button located at the top-right of the builder.
From the modal, you will be able to toggle Usable as template.
How to remove a process as template?
To stop sharing a process, simply uncheck the "Usable as template" option. Once this is done, portfolios will no longer be able to use it to create a new process.
How to use a template to create a new process?
When creating a new process, refer to the documentation on how to create a process. You will have the option to choose either "From Scratch" or a template as a foundation.
At any moment, you can also click on the Templates button: