Process Basics

What is a process in Braineet?

A process is a type of workflow that guarantees a sequential set of steps and gates (validation steps) to capture data on your projects.

The process can then be applied to projects, and members will be able to complete each step and review each gate to make a decision to continue or not directly on their project Workspace tab.

The important thing to understand is that a process is just a different way of looking and collecting at the same underlying data! This means that if the project members edit the data based on your process in a project, it will change that data for all views, since all views are looking at the same project and fields.

Each step in your process can have one or multiple goals to achieve simultaneously, and at each checkpoint, the portfolio manage & members will have the opportunity to review all previous steps.

Create a new process

To create a new process, begin by going to your portfolio and navigating to the Processes page using the Processes button. From there, you can click on the button labeled "New Process.” to enter the title of process you'd like to create.

  • Process title: it will be display as the process title everywhere.
  • Add this process to the library (optionnal): checkout the shared processes documentation.
  • Process cover image (optionnal): you can add an image that will be used to identify better a process. This image won’t be display on the project.
  • Process attachments (optionnal): you can add files to explain the process you are working on. This documentation won’t be display on the project.
  • Process description (optionnal): you can write a description to explain the process you are working on. This documentation won’t be display on the project.

Learn more about the process builder →

Add a process from the library

If you want to use the same processes accross different portfolios, you can add a shared process.

⚠️ This button will not be displayed if you do not have any processes in your library, which means that no other portfolio has shared their processes on this platform.

To create a add a process from the library, begin by going to your portfolio and navigating to the Processes page using the Processes button. From there, you can click on the button labeled "Shared processes” and then click on “Add this process” on the process that you want to use on your portfolio.

📌 When you add a shared process to your portfolio, all the fields used by that process will be added to your portfolio.

Learn more about the shared processes →

Edit a process

To edit a process, go to the process builder by clicking on the card.

⚠️ Editing a shared process will also impact other portfolios that use it.

Learn more about the process builder →

Edit the process information

To edit process information such as the title, go to the process builder by clicking on the process card. Then, click on the icon button located at the top-right of the builder.

⚠️ You can’t edit the process information of a shared process.

Delete a process

To delete a process such as the title, go to the process builder by clicking on the process card. Then, click on the icon button located at the top-right of the builder.

At the bottom of the settings modal, you will find a Delete button.

💡 If you delete a process, your project will continue to follow the process. However, you won't be able to assign it to any new projects.

Remove a process added from the library

To remove a process that was added with the shared library, click on the card to open the process builder, and then click on the Unlink button.

💡 If you delete a process, your project will continue to follow the process. However, you won't be able to assign it to any new projects.

Duplicate a process

Duplicating processes can help you make small adjustments to other views that already exist without having to rebuild all of the steps, gates, goals, etc.

To access the process builder, click on the process card. Then, click on the icon button located at the top-right of the builder.

At the bottom of the settings modal, you will find a Duplicate process button.


  • Can we hide processes that have already been published, if they are a work-in-progress?

    There are two scenarios to consider:

    • In the first scenario, any modifications made to the process will not be applied to projects until the updated process is officially published. This means that the changes won't take effect until they are formally released with the Publish button.
    • The issue you encountered arose from publishing a work-in-progress process. To resolve this, we recommend transforming the work-in-progress process into a template. Then, you can create a new process using the template and finally, remove the published process, if it's not used.

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